What are Your Bookends for Healthier Habits?
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[00:00:00] Hey mama, friend. So glad you decided to come on this journey of building healthier habits into your lifestyle. You know, you want to add healthier habits such as being active, eating better, and rest, but where do you fit them in your day with all the things you already do? Well, I’m here to help you figure out the what, where and when, piece of that equation.
Grab your beverage of choice, put it in an insulated Tumblr, and just listen in. The information you will see here and in other parts of my business is for information and inspiration for your journey. Find what works for you and find ways to implement if you so choose. I’m here to support and encourage you.
This is a safe space, no judgment zone. As always, this does not take the place of your trusted healthcare provider. Seek their advice as you choose.
Today I wanna talk about bookends. You might say, what are bookends? You use them to keep your books in place on the shelf. Well, you can do something similar with your [00:01:00] day-to-day routines. The stuff in the middle may change, but the bookends remain constant. Having a morning routine can start your day on a positive note.
What are some non-negotiables that you need or want to do every. , for example, you might want to get that first glass of water in before your coffee, or you may wanna make sure you’re getting a healthy breakfast. That includes protein and some carbs, maybe some form of exercise. You may be somebody who enjoys working out first thing in the morning.
You may wanna start your dinner in the slow cooker, or at least know what you’re going to have for dinner that night. Maybe taking a few deep breaths to start yourself on. Calm for the. What are some things that are important for your morning routine? For me, couple of things that I typically do is I try to drink some water before I have my coffee.
What are your bookends for healthier habits?
I try to get some sunlight as soon as the sun comes up, even though I am up when it is dark. Uh, I also think about how can I make sure I’m [00:02:00] getting some protein in first thing in the morning? I will also think about if I am going to make dinner that night, what am I gonna make? . I also think about what my lunch is gonna look like because sometimes I barely have time to eat lunch because of how busy I am.
So you have to think about what do I have? Do I need to fix something? So that way it’s ready for lunchtime as well. Now the other bookend that you might use for healthier habits is your evening routine. You might start this at dinnertime, or you might do it after. It just depends on what you wanna do.
You might wanna pack your lunches for the next day. You may wanna have clothes laid out for the morning for yourself, as well as kiddos if you need to. A warm bath or a warm cloth that you can rub on your skin to help you relax. Maybe exercises after dinner. Most people, it can vary. You know, I know some people that like to exercise in the morning.
Some might exercise during their lunch break. Others may [00:03:00] exercise after dinner because they need to have somebody watching other kiddos for them. Lowering the lights so your body prepares for bedtime. Uh, getting off of screens a couple of hours before bed, doing something quiet and calming. Choosing to go to bed at roughly the same time each night.
Now, these are just some examples. My bookends may look different than yours. When you are in different seasons of your life, yours will change and you may need to adapt them to what you need. At the moment, I wanna leave you with a Maya Angello quote of Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.
So what will your bookends look like? What will you put into your morning routine and what will you put into your evening routine that you feel good about and that you can actually accomplish? Remember, only [00:04:00] add one or two new things to what you’re doing so that it doesn’t become an issue for you trying to.
Just wanted to jump in to tell you about my free ebook on five Days to Better Health. That includes information on deep breathing, hydration, dark, leafy greens, and home-cooked meals, and get moving. You can find it@healthierhabitsmama.com slash freebie. Hey mama, before you go, if you have found a Guild Nugget in this episode, leave me a review on Apple Podcast.
You can always find me@healthierhabitsmama.com, where there is a free ebook on healthier habits that you can build into your everyday crazy lives. Thanks and be blessed.